Your All-in-One Tool for Time and Projects

Organize Your Projects Seamlessly

Simplify your workflow with Zoxys’s powerful project management features. Create and manage all your projects effortlessly in one intuitive platform. Assign clients and categories to each project to keep everything organized and easily accessible.

Customize your workflow with activity groups like “In Progress,” “Backlog,” or “Completed,” and use activity tags to categorize tasks by type, such as “Design,” “Development,” or “Research.” With Zoxys, you can easily track your progress, manage your tasks, and stay on top of your projects.

Project Overview Page Screenshot

Visualize and Manage Your Time Efficiently

Understand exactly how your time is spent with Zoxys’s time tracking tools. The Calendar page provides a comprehensive overview of your daily, weekly, and monthly activity. Easily log sessions, edit sessions, and monitor your progress over time.

Calendar Page Screenshot

Gain Insights into Your Work and Finances

Make informed decisions with detailed analytics on your time usage and financial performance. Zoxys offers in-depth Time and Finance Stats that showcase total hours worked, income, expenses, profit, and even hourly profit metrics. These insights are presented through clear, interactive charts and graphs, allowing you to identify trends, measure efficiency, and adjust your strategies for maximum profitability and productivity.

Stats Page Screenshot
Stats Page Screenshot

Accelerate Workflow with Command Menu & Shortcuts

Maximize your efficiency with Zoxys’s innovative Command Menu, the heart of Zoxys’s keyboard-centric design. By simply pressing Cmd + K (or Ctrl + K on Windows), you unlock instant access to a wide array of actions without ever touching your mouse.

Designed to keep you in the zone, the Command Menu brings every feature of Zoxys to your fingertips. It’s more than just shortcuts, it’s a centralized hub that streamlines your entire workflow.

Enhance Your Productivity with Intelligent Assistance

Meet your personal AI-powered project assistant, designed to help you brainstorm, plan, and manage your activities more effectively. By understanding the context of your projects (including names, descriptions, active tasks, and tags) the assistant provides tailored suggestions and actionable recommendations. It can propose new activity groups, reorganize tasks, and streamline your workflow.

Calendar Page Screenshot

Start Using Zoxys Today

Discover the range of plans and features Zoxys offers in the Pricing Page.

You can also start with a free account right away and explore Zoxys at no cost.